The First National Bank & Trust Veterans Outreach Committee is comprised of armed service veteran employees and additional employee volunteer members. The Committee’s mission is to oversee and expand the Bank’s efforts in supporting and creating awareness for local veterans organizations and programs.
Committee veteran members: Matt Donovan, Mollie Welcenbach
STRONG Act: The STRONG Veterans Act - VA News
COMPACT Act: Understanding The COMPACT Act | VA Wilmington Health Care | Veterans Affairs
PACT Act: The PACT Act And Your VA Benefits | Veterans Affairs
Don’t wait. Reach out: About | Don't Wait. Reach out. (
Make the Connection Videos: Make the Connection | Videos & Info for Military Veterans

211: Find Help - Michigan 2-1-1 (
Michigan 211 is an easy way to find help of all kinds, right in your community. Need help with food, housing, or paying bills? Need support in a family crisis or community disaster? Michigan 211 is here for you. Any time. All the time. Just call, text, or search online to get connected.
Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress (UPCAP): UPCAP 906-786-4701 or DIAL 211
UPCAP's purpose and objectives shall be to promote the development of the human, social, and community resources of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Some of their programs include but are not limited to: Fresh Food Access program, Food as Medicine, Caregiver Resource Center, Energy Resources, 211 Call Center, Health and Wellness, Long Term Care Programs, Housing, Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance program, Area Agency on Aging, Aging & disability Resource Collaborative, Diabetes outreach, and more.